Monday, May 16, 2011

Elevating HR to the Boardroom

HR involvement in understanding and guiding the employee to productivity and engagement is a gift that CEO's would treasure, but HR must first get to a higher level of capability. This higher level of capability means having evidence-based information. There will need to be a proving process to be first demonstrated before HR is invited into the boardroom.

As Deming quoted: " Its not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and then do your best."

My humble opinion is that for HR, as an industry, to gain such acceptance in leadership circles, they must use tools and technology to elevate and gain credible intelligence about employee drivers; then skills to use those tools to impact positive change. New technology is available in the marketplace to support HR and old paradigms need be discarded.

So, the burden lies on HR to elevate itself into the boardroom. Let's say it's a prejudice that will be hard to overcome, but can be only by the most "engaged" HR folks.

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