Thursday, April 22, 2010

Customer Satisfaction at its Best

How Important is Customer Satisfaction?

Extremely! Imagine, knowing EXACTLY what your customers need to keep them coming back (and telling their friends/family/coworkers). Why wouldn't you want to be privy to this information? Many business owners believe that customer satisfaction surveys should be used to measure individual employee performance, where in fact, the greatest benefit comes from knowing how the entire organization can come together to satisfy the customer. When surveys measure individual performance, they tend to become more of a lottery ticket than an actual guide to growth and success.

With years of experience in survey design, Infotool Inc. is now reinforcing the importance of the Customer Satisfaction Survey with customized, portable survey devices. Granted, almost every major company has its own Customer Satisfaction Survey, the delivery method will most likely prevent you from getting the information you need to please your patrons. If the survey isn't accessible right there and then at the time of service, customers will forget, or worse, the ones who remember are the angry and disgruntled ones. What about those "in-between" customers? The ones saying, "yeah, it was good, but it would have been better if...." This is type of information that will give you the steps to take to have your customers saying, "It was great!"

Honest and open customer feedback is hard to come by, but business owners need to know what they could be doing better to keep customers loyal. I highly doubt those disgruntled customers will be coming back anyways without some sort of big, future discount.

With that, we are pleased to announce the development of Customer Connect, LLC. This new technology will provide onsite customer feedback in an attractive, customized, portable survey device. For just a few dollars a day, know exactly how all of your customers feel about your business! This lightweight machine is easy-to-use and is coupled with Infotool Inc,' s advanced online survey reporting tools, used by major business leaders and consultants today. Infotool has been heralded by PWC, IBM, Dell, Perot, GE in Latin America and hundreds of others all over the world, now it is your turn to have access to this tool. The technology, expertise and portability of Customer Connect, LLC will give you the information you need to never have an unsatisfied customer again.