Monday, August 8, 2011

What Makes a High Performance Organization?

Today’s normal is not the same as yesterday’s normal. With manufacturing being outsourced, Egypt and world instability, emerging markets, the subprime mortgage disaster, the unpopularity of the Iraq and Afghan war and the uncertainty of the next presidential race, with the size of unemployed Americans growing at staggering rates, renders a “same old, same old” business strategy obsolete.

How can leaders build organizations to create higher performing workforce cultures, coupled with a new competency of nimbleness, if they expect to continue creating value for their shareholders?

A ”high-performance organization” is one where all departments are in sync, working together, and aligned with each other so as to provide to their customers the very best, on time delivery of your services or products. Anything short of that state of excellence results in varying degrees of misalignment. In that reality, expect troubling impacts on issues of customer loyalty, profitability, process, people, culture and all those other states of being that create loss or create organic growth.

High performance is impossible to achieve so long as there are high degrees of variability’s in departmental work force performance. Simply stated, departments that are performing at different rates and levels of performance is a recipe for loss in profitability and /or growth. This is not a trivial matter, as the larger the variability of workforce performance, the larger the gap between the organizations delivery systems and its customer satisfaction.

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