Wednesday, March 23, 2011

High Performance Engagement

The HPE (High Performance Employee Engagement Survey Instrument) has been designed using the highest standards of researched and organizational change management concepts.  It's long standing that alignment of the workforce to the customer, strategies, leadership and the enterprise is the ideal in maximizing business performance.
The latest research in engagement validates what we already know; that the essence for transformation lies in the hearts, soul and minds of employees. Learning how to get people "engaged" is the foundation for change and any effort to move mountains without the support and participation of the workforce is deemed for possible failure. We've developed a High Performance Engagement tool and for our engagement measures, we selected the research of the Canadian Conference Board, as it represents the most advanced insight in people motivators.

 To that end, High Performance Engagement measures three separate components: Rational Engagement Drivers (measuring retention components), Emotional Engagement Drivers (measuring whether the workers will give that extra discretionary effort to do what needs to be done) and thirdly, Operational Excellence Measures. The last is a customized approach to learning what are the barriers currently existing that prevent easily achieving the leaders stretch goals, or the vision, and to learn why these barriers exist. "Survey Intelligence" means that survey design is built for targeting unique solutions for the client. It's not an off the shelf tool whose value only lies in being able to compare your scores to others without any actionable consequences. The former translates to action, while the latter translates to learning what happened yesterday.

Customization of surveys means accountability. The ability for each workgroup manager to know exactly what they need to do in terms of engaging their employees to perform better, committed and more effectively for the benefit of the organization. It's the path for the workforce to be able to engage themselves in the "business of the business". Profitability or specific outcomes are the reward.

The HPE has been tested and proven to produce the statistics, outcomes, graphics, core relations between leaders and worker, and SWOT to provide the tools for each manager to be able to transform their workgroup into a strong "link in the value chain".

Great data results can only be translated by using a powerful diagnostic tool that allows unlimited analysis capability, right down to each department or demographic level. Each manager gets an x-ray of their department measuring the engagement levels of their work unit, along with a clear picture as to their need requirements the team needs to contribute to the "business of the business", instant action ability for "continuous improvement," become the norm, Each manager will have the ability to know exactly what they need to do, how to modify their actions, behaviors, values, habits processes to motivate a new dynamic workforce aligned to the corporate goals. (the Operational Excellence Measures). Multiply that power by each department, you have the means for rapid realignment for the best interest of the entire organization.
SurveyTelligence's powerful diagnostics are the key. They provide the ability to look below all averages, by each and every workgroup. Built in correlation analysis tool instantly identify and prioritize the specific actions steps for key, predefined drivers, cross tab, gap, SWOT, comparative, aggregation, histogram analysis are all included. This online powerful diagnostic tool sorts billions of data bytes into action steps for each manager and leaders. Its instant, virtual, and produces the most powerful, easy-to-use, graphics for change.

Change management happens when engaged employees are committed in heart, mind, body and soul to take that extra step in "giving all for the gipper". This level of commitment is found in football players, firefighters, Coast Guard personnel, Marines, etc , but seldom in the private sector. In fact in the private sector, their workers' expectations, drivers, motivators and commitment levels are entirely motivated by different expectations. The difference is clear. In the former, leadership is controlled and mandated; in the latter, it needs to be earned, usually from the most immediate supervisor.
Top leadership's role is to dictate the vision; the managers is to execute the business of the vision. Using the analytics of SurveyTelligence and its slicing capability, each manager of each department will have their own picture of the culture of their department, with the action steps to better engage their employees. This is the only effective means to align the people with the enterprise goals. Education, mentoring and coaching is a critical component.
A Train-the-trainer initiative is a rapid, inexpensive way to build an internal competency that will engage and align managers, which effort will endure long after the high priced survey consultants leave. With building an internal professional coaching staff, the ongoing mentoring creates an “accountability" by the managers. They soon know that this transformation is not "another flavor of the month". Senior management is quite serious and sustainability of expectation of change will be re measured.

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